Sunday, 9 March 2014

Weekend Recap

Is the weekend really over already  ?.. ugh..

So I am in the middle of my marathon training and I find myself thinking of the marathon my whole run. I go over in my head "Am I ready ? , Are you nuts? , Do u know how long 26.2 miles is ? OMG but how amazing will it feel when I cross the finish line, Ya you got this, Look how far you have come stop doubting yourself!" I know this is probably normal and I will do it up until I actually run my marathon. I am following Hal Higdons Novice 1 training program and I have choose Johnny Miles marathon as my first! I have picked this race because its in June which means perfect running temps. its  4 laps of 10.6km so I can see friends/family every lap and just think of making it until the next lap and not the whole 42.2 km ( easier on the head maybe) I picked this race because its not hilly and I have run the 10k in 2012 and the 1/2 marathon last year. and loved it! check out the elevation chart for it .

Looks like a perfect 1st marathon :)

Saturdays Run

Saturday I ran 6 short and sweet km around my subdivion. The weather was spring like and it was a great day for a run:) I even wore my spring jacket running
After my run and running errands I came home and made one of my fav treats to bring to work with me in my lunches. Energy balls!

Sunday Run
Today called for 11km. I got up early and made myself and my boyfriend pancakes. I don't normally eat anything but my oatmeal or toast in the morning but it was a nice Sunday treat.

 I ran a few streets in my subdivion and then headed out on the main road. My legs felt great today . I ran past a few neighbors as they waved to me while driving by. I love how friendly everyone is in my neighborhood :) I didn't wear anything covering my ears today because when I looked out the window is was sunny and looked warm like yesterday. ugh I was wrong. I wore a lulu lemon head band that didn't cover my ears and I regretted it the first 3 km. It was sunny but -6
As I ran I felt warmer and it wasn't so bad. At 8 Km I turned around to head home, the wind is always bad the way back and my ears were freezing. I ran out on the main road a little to far and had to walk 2 km home when I finished my run at 11km. I sometimes find it hard to stop certain day especially when your feeling really good, it would be so much easier just to run the rest of the way home. I am trying to stick to this program as best as I can. My pirifomis muscle was acting up in early February and after a few physio sessions its just starting to feel good again. I don't want to go over my millage and risk an injury.
After my run today I went out for coffee with my boyfriend and re fueled with a café mocha :)
I spent the rest of the day slaving away in the kitchen making a turkey dinner. My very first turkey actually :) after a few calls/txt to my mom and mother in law asking questions it turned out great. Mind you I cant breath now and I feel huge haha

 Thanks for stopping  by and I hope you had a Runderful weekend :)


  1. Sounds like a great running weekend. Your energy balls look good. I've made them once before but I always end up making a huge mess :) I wish someone would just make them for me! At least your neighbours wave, mine look at me like I am nuts when I am out running or they try to hit me with their big ass truck :)

    1. I am lucky to live in such a great neighborhood filled with lots of fellow runners. I get honks, waves, high fives and nods on almost every run. :)

  2. Definitely post your recipe for energy balls! I love your spring jacket:) I'm super excited for Johnny!!! You will rock! ;)

    1. I will def post the recipe :) I love them. Thanks I'm nervous but extreamly excited! I hope I see you at least one of the four laps ;)

    2. I am also interested in the recipe for energy balls. And nice to read that you are training for your first marathon :) I remember my first marathon.... and it seems like ages ago. Oh i love marathons!

    3. I will def add my energy ball recipe to my next blog post :)

  3. Those energy balls looks yummy! Pretty please, post the recipe!
