Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Hey all,


So Monday I worked all day while my boyfriend Kyle stayed home and put up crown molding and new trim in our kitchen. Looks so good! We are slowly renovating our kitchen, last month we got new counter tops and sink :) You know your growing up when those things excite you.
Monday evening I ran 5km. Before I left I ate leftover hot turkey sandwich and stuffing. Not the best idea before a run, I felt like such a heavy weight.
Todays run was 11km. Today the weather was calling for a few cm of the white stuff, ughh, Does mother nature not know that winter is pretty much over!?
So I made sure after eating my oatmeal to hurry and get out before it got bad.
 The ground was just starting to get covered. I ran all the side streets today and my legs felt really good. I was running a bit slower because I was trying to be careful with my footing in the snow. Then at 7 1/2 Km as I was turning onto the sidewalk on the main road I wiped out. I quickly jumped up paused my garmen and looked to see if any one saw me. A lady stopped as she was driving by to make sure I was ok. How embarrassing. I think she was the only one who saw. THANK GOD.
I contemplated walking the rest of the way home because my hip/knee that I fell on was a bit sore. I decided to just finish and keep running. not even a minute later a old boyfriend drove  by and waved, thank god he didn't see me on my ass only a minute before. all he saw was me kicking ass running in the snow haha
At a little over 10km I ran past Heather we waved and did our usually high five :)
When I got home I stretched and then went to change and check out my knee/hip
OUCH! A bit of a scratch and my hip is red and sore. I am thinking I will wake up to find a purple hip :(
I re fueled with my normal protein smoothie :)

A Few people were asking for my energy ball recipe I had in my last blog post. So here it is :)
No bake Energy Balls
- 1 Cup of  dry oatmeal
- 1/2 cup of chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup of peanut butter
- 1/2 cup of ground flax seed
-1/3 cup of honey
- Tsp vanilla
Mix in mixer and then make into balls and refrigerate ENJOY
Thanks for stopping by
Moose Run 25k in 5 days :)
This is how Jackson spends his time while I blog


  1. Oh man, despite the wipe out, you had a great run! And such a trooper for continuing to run. ;) That was so funny about the old boyfriend! LOL. Your house is looking great with the rennos! So excited for the moose run!!!! I'm going to make those energy balls when I get back from NL :D

  2. So glad you are okay and didn't hurt yourself worse. I really, really want mother nature to smarten up and brings us sunshine and bare payment!!! I make those energy bites every week...super yummy!!!

  3. Nice war injury! Glad you didn't hurt yourself too much. Wiping out always sucks!

  4. Ouch! Glad it wasn't worse. Solid run though. :)
